To be successful in the SEO strategy it is important that it is done right from the beginning. SEO is a longterm investment and the results doesn't show tomorrow. Often you have to wait 3-4 months before most of the initial work is indexed by Google and other search engines.This is why it is important that you do it right from the start.

Our SEO Services

  • Search strategy

The first you should do in SEO is to decide the search strategy. This is done by analysing the competition, competitors & search volume to make sure that you have choosen the right seach phrases. SEO Ibérica can ofcourse help you with this.

  • On-page analysis

When you have set the search strategy you need to start optimising your own website, this is called on-page optimisation. In the analysis we want to understand what can be improved to tell the search engines that your site is relevant for the search phrases you aim for. SEO Ibérica can ofcourse help you with this.

  • Link strategy

After the on-page optimisation is done you need to build your trust by getting relevant websites to link to your site. How you do this is a part of your link strategy. SEO Ibérica knows how to do it.

  • Follow up / Reporting

Like in all investments you need to know if you got a return on it. The SEO report from SEO Ibérica includes ranking positions, search traffic and conversion statistics.


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